You have landed on my safe little corner of the world. Whatever has brought you here, please know you are not alone. I warmly welcome you here. All of your needs, spoken and unspoken are welcome in this place. I honor you. I honor your unique process. Did you know, the past 20 years of my own healing journey has brought me right here, as well? Right here, to this very place you are visiting. Then… after I hung out here for a while, reading, writing, learning, and participating in my own unique process, I then ventured out and connected with others who were equally committed to their healing–in search of safe community interaction. I suppose it was then when I took a big leap of faith which… quite honestly transformed my life and my tiny little private practice. If there were a name for what has been birthed from two decades of healing and introspection, it would be something akin to a global sanctuary.
A peaceful shore to sit on and breathe deeply. A respite. Where I am finding it actually feels safe to have my doors and my heart wide open…
Enjoying a place of refuge every single day… where fellow abuse and trafficking survivors join in daily to sit together… to be validated… to be affirmed in their unique individual healing journeys… a safe place for weary souls to find rest… and to be seen and heard without the fear of judgment and retraumatization…. well… it is pretty magical, and remarkably, unexpected.
You are warmly welcomed into my home.
Not to worry, it is really close by… right next door to where you are now. No rush. You can take your time and choose to come on over anytime–if and when it feels safe.
We will be waiting with kind smiles and unconditional warm regard. Safe hugs and virtual high-fives are common. We are a friendly bunch. Again, there’s no rush. We’re not going anywhere. My new home was built to withstand the ages, so take your time.
I look forward to personally welcoming you to my “Framily”, my friendly family of choice.
See you soon : )
All my love and (((safe hugs)))
P.S. if you or your patients are navigating a healing journey and could use a little extra encouragement, please consider joining my texting program. It is less than $5 a month and I send out one encouraging text message every day — you can sign up now by clicking right here.